Wednesday, January 6, 2016


                      MAKING MONEY OFF THE NET

Attain Mastery of Your Learning Curve

Research the lives of all of the "gurus." The one thing that you will learn is that their experience is not unique. Most of the high earners on the Internet have experienced very similar learning curves. Chances are that your curve will also be similar to theirs, but it is hoped that you can get to the top faster than them. Three years is a long time to struggle, but every ounce of struggle will be worth the reward you finally receive.

            In order to shorten your own learning curve, you must do a few things differently than the old-timers did. You must become the master of your learning curve. This is simply because THE SHORTEST DISTANCE BETWEEN TWO POINTS IS A STRAIGHT LINE. There is only one way to shorten the curve on the Internet: You must aim to succeed and plan accordingly! Most people put up a freebie website and select a few affiliate programs to add to their website. Right out of the gate, most people are running for the finish line without any real plan in mind.

After a few short weeks, people begin to see the writing on the wall that says, "This is going to be a long hard road." People check their hit counters daily for six weeks before they realize that getting traffic to their free site is going to be tough. At this point, they begin developing their first batch of advertising. Then they spend countless months finding places to show their advertisements for free. Some make an even more drastic mistake by blowing thousands of hard earned dollars on their new and untested ads. These are the people who will learn the facts of life the hard way. In time, they will learn how to make their advertising work for them, but most will earn very little money from their affiliate programs.

At this point in the learning curve, most people throw up their hands and walk away from their dreams in utter disgust. Instead of a walking away point, this should have convinced the struggling online entrepreneur that they were simply traveling the wrong road. All that was required was a pause and a relook at the map.

Plan to Succeed

            From day one, you must begin to learn about the nuances of web promotion. Read all you can get your hands on. Don't just read the hype, back it up with the opinions of others who have reviewed the same programs before you came along. Learn from their mistakes and successes. As you begin to learn, you must also look to make a decision. Do you want to step

into a pre-built program that is designed to help you to succeed, OR do you want to create a completely new program of which you are the sole owner?

If you decide to step into a pre-designed and complete turn-key online money-

making venture, you must select the right venture to step into. Start with a 

good site worth the cost and effort, like the renowned and very highly rated 

websites, (Alexa rating 71 in the US) or (Alexa rating 191). A quick coaching and mentoring program

 first is recommended. There are many coaching and mentoring programs for 

teaching you on how to generate your first $1000 through internet marketing,

 but if you want to join a good coaching program, you could learn it from

 Wealthy Affiliate University, blog/my-

first-1000-in-just-1-day/.Another good site to go through is 

If you decide to do it on your own, then do all of the necessary research, 

planning and preparation that is needed for your success.

Prepare To Succeed

            Decide what you think you would want to do, and then figure out how your planned site will generate a real income. Internet old-timers know about hundreds of corporation domains that existed with IPO millions, but did not have an actual money plan that could sustain their business model. Most of these companies were among the hundreds of companies that bellied

up in the 2000 dot bomb experience.

            Don't blindly believe in your plan. Research others on the web who have undertaken similar business models and see if they have survived. Study your competitors in depth to learn what is working for them and what did not work for them. To better understand what has or has not worked for competitor websites, check out their time lapsed progressions using the

Wayback Machine:

Become an Internet Guru

            You're familiar with the big time Internet Marketing "Gurus" whose launches are legendary. So, learn what it is that makes a guru, well, a guru. Guru launches are something that everyone in the Internet marketing field watches with a keen eye. After all, most of them make at a minimum, hundreds of thousands of dollars and many of them make multiple millions. You'll see all kinds of different companies and people promoting their launches. You might even ask yourself, "How can I get all the big wigs to promote my launch so I can cash in and make big money just like them?" This is the million dollar question that we all have rolling around in our heads when new launches surface. It's well known that big launches that make a fortune are one of the big benefits of being an Internet Marketing Master!

            It's because of this authoritative status that you are probably on every Internet Guru mailing list so that you can spy on what they're doing. NOTE: They have an insider club! You probably realize that getting the masters to promote your product just isn't as easy as dropping them an e-mail or DVD/CD image.  In fact, it's near impossible to get any of the Gurus to even answer an e-mail, support ticket, or phone call! This is because of their insider club. They only communicate in the business sense, with people they see as part of the "Guru" club. This small group have huge lists and promote the each others offers. Of course this results in huge launches with tons of credibility which produce income that most of us can only dream of.

            You've seen the launches, you've bought the products, and you've seen the stories after the launch about how much money was made. But the tide is turning, now that the number of Gurus have multiplied. Some of their emails end with a note that they are contactable.

            Gurus get more respect, referrals, and money than "Joe Brown" Internet Marketer!

Being an Internet marketing authority has many perks that go with the title, beyond making a bunch of money. Sure, you get to enjoy the benefits of six or seven figure launches on a regular basis with tons of cash hitting your bank account. But you also get tons of respect and hold a position of high esteem in the market place which people take notice of. This respect also breeds trust which continues to bring in new customers based on past popularity and launches. This is how these paramount marketers continue to make sales even after their big product launch is over. People also refer customers to Internet Gurus, many without any compensation, because they know the recommendation is high quality.

            Not everyone is in it for the money! In fact, many people like referring people to excellent courses and resources because their friends will thank them for it. It's this respect that makes people take notice and willingly promote a high profile marketing educators' launches and products on a regular basis. Most people who buy the product or service offered

on a big guru launch immediately become affiliates and promote it as well. These are all big effects of being a Guru. The Solution? Become an internet marketing guru yourself!

            Today’s philosophy is to build relationships with like-minded people who seek guidance to achieve their goals. People are looking for leaders and great coaches. Build relationships first, sell only later. Take it one step further-don’t just sell, offer solutions, offer your help. Be yourself and display genuine personality. Share first, sell later. Keep in mind that people are first interested in themselves and thereafter, anyone else who evinces interest in them.

Now imagine this hypothesis: You create a product and tell a few of your buddies about it and tell them about the launch date. Some may know big Gurus and tell them about you. They promise to promote it and tell many of their marketing friends until you have a roster of a couple dozen high profile people committed to promote your launch. Promotions start well before launch day and come the big day, all of your associates crank out e-mail and blog

promotions on your launch sending tens of thousands of visitors to your site.

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